The CAR-Insurance
What does OBM’s second opinion service entail?
We offer a unique opportunity with our second opinion service. Would you like the opinion of another party, do you want to make use of our knowledge regarding your CAR-insurance insurance, do you have doubts about the quality of your current insurance policy that you’ve taken out elsewhere or is there damage claim that has been denied? We investigate your queries and find a suitable solution. Our second opinion can prove invaluable if you’re not held liable for a claim for damages or if your compensation is insufficient and is adjusted after our mediation.
The first step we take is to determine the chronological order of events and the associated parties including your advisor or insurer. Who has taken which steps and when did they do so? Have all options, including their own counter-expertise, been considered? In some cases, these points have not been (sufficiently) investigated and taking a second look can lead to surprising insights.
The costs of this service are offered to you on the basis of no cure no pay or, if you wish, on the basis of an agreed upon fee or hourly rate.
Second opinion schadedienst
When taking out a CAR-insurance you have a certain expectation of services to be rendered. You pay a premium and if there is damage or injury the insurer should compensate you. It’s just that simple, right? But in some cases, the insurer rejects a claim. The damage turns out not to be covered under the insurance contract you concluded. But is the insurer justified in their rejection of the claim? For these cases the OBM offers the second opinion claims service. Your insurer rejects the claim and you want to know whether this is a justified decision.
The experts and jurists at OBM are happy to go over it with you. This service is specifically intended for those who have not taken out their insurance policy through the mediation of OBM but who have taken it out elsewhere. This could’ve been done through a direct writer but also through a broker or intermediary. It is important for you to know that OBM is well versed in CAR-insurance. This is important to achieve results.
Of course, you can use a lawyer or a legal aid insurance to be proven right. However, it’s advisable to have someone else take another look at the case before you end up as opposing sides in a court of law. We offer our expertise to this end, even when you’ve already engaged a lawyer.
Second opinion policy service
You’ve taken out a CAR-insurance because you want to provide proper coverage for your risks. You never see or hear from your current advisor or insurer. It’s all taken care of, or is it? You cannot test what you don’t know. That is why the OBM advisors offer a second opinion. A clear report will indicate whether your policy is suitable for the work you perform. The tips and tricks for optimizing your CAR-insurance. You will also be informed about any problems and the steps you need to take to keep the coverage optimal for each project.
Insurance conditions are constantly changing. Extensions and new forms of insurance follow daily practice. It is important for you to be aware of the possibilities on the insurance market and that you’re taking steps to provide maximum protection for the continuity of your business. After all, you want to be and stay in control.
For this service we charge an hourly wage or a fee that we mutually agree upon in advance. So, no surprises afterwards.