Bring it on!

There are risks attached to the execution of any assignment. As a link in the construction chain, you won’t be able to control all of it on your own. Therefore, each (sub)contractor should know what those risks are and how they are covered. Only when you’ve attained that overview – perhaps with assistance from OBM – will you be able to effectively determine what your CAR-insurance coverage should be.


CAR Verzekering - Constructie
CAR Verzekering - bouw

Primary or secondary?

The principal informs you they will take out a CAR-insurance for the project. But, which risks and which persons are covered by this insurance remains unclear. Do you even have coverage? Is section II Liability part of this insurance? Do the rubrics have primary or secondary coverage? Which deductibles apply? Are pile driving and well pointing automatically insured? Will the principal have to provide authorisation for you to settle a claim through his CAR-insurance? Are you reeling yet? That’s why it’s essential to discuss your activities with your insurance advisor.

OBM knows all about it and you’ll find proof of this in our CAR-insurance policy that takes both the (specification) requirements from the principal and your own risks into account.